ongsisters, Parenthood, Reflections

Parenting Goals: An Escape Plan; Plan X

Recently, Shar-B started to request to go out with her BFFs and being a paranoid mum, I was soooooo fearful that she met nasty people or perhaps a paedo preying on people. However as part of growing up, I knew

And there’s nothing foolproof, I taught her this “Plan X” thing which I feel it’s useful to share with the parents out here. I chanced upon this amongst a Facebook post in the past.

Plan X – To get out of an uncomfortable situation with no questions asked.

I told Shar-B if she needs to get out of an uncomfortable situation with no questions asked, all she needs was to message me a “X” and I will call her immediately. If she didn’t pick up, I will type her a series of standard answers.

Shar-B: X

Mummy: Hey Shar, where are you? I need you to come back to handle an emergency situation. Where are you now? I will come pick you in a few minutes.

And if anyone were to ask, Shar-B would have said, “I’m not sure why but my mum wants me back now.”

I guessed being a parent – the act of worrying will last me till the end of the lifetime. I will not give chance to anyone to abuse/ make use of my daughters. I do not raise them up as such.

2 thoughts on “Parenting Goals: An Escape Plan; Plan X”

  1. Thank you for sharing this, I don’t have any kids of my own but I can empathise with the rationale behind plan X. I also think this is a very good idea.

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